Iridescentni oblaki nad zahodno Slovenijo (29. oktober 2017)
Dne 29. oktobra 2017, okoli 16h25 SEČ so bili iz Idrije v smeri zahoda vidni oblaki mavričnih barv. Gre za razmeroma
redek pojav iridescence,
ki obarva oblak v nenavadno žive barve ali istočasno pokaže cel spekter barv. Ti oblaki nastanejo iz majhnih kapljic
vode skoraj enakih velikosti. Ko je Sonce na pravem mestu in skoraj skrito za debelimi oblaki, ti tanjši oblaki znatno
uklanjajo svetlobo s Sonca, pri čemer se različne barve različno odklanjajo in zato opazovalca dosežejo iz nekoliko
različnih smeri. Veliko oblakov nastane iz kapljic enakih velikosti in bi zato lahko prišlo do
vendar hitro postanejo predebeli, neenotni ali predaleč stran od Sonca, da bi lahko pokazali osupljive barve.
Efekt je podoben nastanku mavrice na tankem oljnatem filmu, ki plava na vodi in je osvetljen s svetlobo. Pojavlja se
na oblakih cirokumulus, altokumulus ter lečastih oblakih. V tem primeru je Hleviško hribovje že zakrivalo zahajajoče
Sonce in so bile barve na oblakih bolj izrazite in žive.
Discovery of supernova SN 2017hiq (October 13, 2017)
Supernova SN 2017hiq in host galaxy SDSS J005254.06+160654.7 was discovered by B. Mikuz on 2017 Oct. 13.921 - 13.960UT on
four images taken with 60-cm, f/3.3 Cichocki telescope and reported on
Transient Name Server.
Spectroscopic observations were performed with the Asiago 1.82 m Copernico Telescope equipped with AFOSC
(range 340-820 nm; resolution 1.4 nm) on 2017 Oct. 17.
The spectrum is consistent with a type-Ia supernova around maximum light, assuming a redshift z=0.091.
Details are published in TNS SN 2017hiq
and ATel 10863.
Perseid activity observed from Črni Vrh Observatory, during the maximum activity on the night of Aug. 12-13, 2017.
Since the bright moonlight interfered most of the night, only several bright Perseids were recorded. Among them also
a Perseid fireball at 19h42UT, yet during the evening twilight.
Detection of optical afterglow of GRB 170728B at Črni Vrh Observatory (July 28, 2017)
We observed the afterglow of GRB 170728B (Cenko et al., GCN Circ. 21371)
with 60-cm Cichocki robotic telescope at Crni Vrh Observatory, Slovenia.
The series of twenty-six 60 second exposures with Rc filter started at 23:04:41UT, 81 seconds after the burst. We confirm optical afterglow at
coordinates reported by D’Avanzo et al. (GCN Circ. 21372, 21373).
The object was clearly detected on all 26 frames.
Complete results are published in GCN 21394 Circular.
Discovery of supernova SN 2017yi (January 29, 2017)
Supernova SN 2017yi in galaxy 2MASX J02592769+1447417 was discovered by J. Vales on 2017 Jan. 29.726 - 29.772 UT on
four images taken with 60-cm, f/3.3 Cichocki telescope and reported on
Transient Name Server.
Spectroscopic observations were obtained with the 2.16-m telescope of Xinglong Station of National Astronomical Observatories of China
(NAOC) on 2017 Feb. 2.94UT. The spectrum is consistent with a type-Ia supernova and matches with SN 2003du at t = -9 days
from the maximum light. Details are published in TNS SN 2017yi
and ATel 10039.
Discovery of supernova SN 2017nx (January 23, 2017)
Supernova SN 2017nx was discovered by S. Matičič on 2017 Jan. 23.890 - 23.920 UT on
four images taken with 60-cm, f/3.3 Cichocki telescope and reported on
Transient Name Server.
Spectroscopic observations were obtained by The Asiago Transient Classification Program, using the 1.80-m telescope
on 2017 Jan. 24.87UT. The spectrum is consistent with a type-Ia supernova one week before maximum light.
Details are published in TNS SN 2017nx
and ATel 9996.
Discovery of supernova SN 2016hhh (October 30, 2016)
Supernova SN 2016hhh was discovered by B. Mikuž on 2016 Oct. 30.894UT on four images taken with 60-cm, f/3.3 Cichocku
telescope and reported on Transient Name Server.
Spectroscopic observations were obtained by iPTF (Intermediate Palomar Transient Factory)
The spectrum is consistent with a type-Ia supernova.
Details are published in TNS SN 2016hhh.
Odkritje transneptunskega objekta na Observatoriju Črni Vrh (14. avgust 2016)
Objekt 2016 PN66 je 14. avgusta 2016 odkril Jure Skvarč na Observatoriju Črni Vrh. Gre za transneptunski objekt, ki
ima orbito z veliko polosjo 31,64 astronomske enote (a.e), kar je le malo več od Neptunove velike polosi. Obhodni čas je 179 let,
kar je približno 15 let več od obhodnega časa Neptuna. V družino transneptunskih objektov spadajo objekti, ki so v orbiti okoli
Sonca na večji povprečni razdalji od Neptuna (30,1 a.e.). Prvi odkriti transneptunski objekt je bil Pluton že leta 1930.
Naslednji (1992 QB1) je bil odkrit šele leta 1992. Danes jih je na seznamu Centra za male planete preko 1750. Največji
med njimi je Pluton, ki mu sledijo Eris, Makemake in Haumea.
2016 PN66 je nebesno telo velikosti okrog 10 km, ki se je ob odkritju nahajalo na razdalji 2,88 a.e. od Zemlje. Objekt je
pritegnil pozornost zaradi neobičajno velike inklinacije (i=105,1°), to je kota med njegovo ravnino gibanja in ekliptično
ravnino. Inklinacija, večja od 90° pomeni, da se objekt giblje retrogradno. Med vsemi znanimi telesi v Osončju
(planeti, lune, pritlikavi planeti, asteroidi, itd.), razen kometov, kroži 99,986% vseh teles v isti smeri okrog Sonca,
zato so objekti z nasprotno smerjo kroženja oziroma retrogradnim gibanjem izjemno redki. Objekt 2016 PN66 ob odkritju ni
kazal kometne aktivnosti (koma, rep). Glede na to, da se je takrat šele bližal prisončju (13. oktober 2016), bi se kometna
aktivnost lahko še pojavila. Zato smo ga skrbno opazovali vsako jasno noč in analizirali njegov svetlobni profil.
Dne 1. septembra 2016 ga je posnel Robert Holmes z 1,3-m f/4 astrografom na Astronomical Research Institute (ARI)
v Illinoisu, ZDA. Tudi to opazovanje z večjim teleskopom ni pokazalo sledov kometne aktivnosti.
Ob prihodu v prisončje sredi oktobra mu je sij narastel na okoli 17,5m, vendar je njegov profil ostal točkast, kot pri
asteroidih ali zvezdah. Sredi novembra je bil objekt že na deklinaciji -25° in se pomika še južneje, zato ga je
čedalje težje opazovati iz severne poloble. Seveda ga bo še vedno zanimivo spremljati s teleskopi na južni polobli.
Če je objekt v resnici komet, izbruh prahu in plinov še vedno ni povsem izključen. Zbrane meritve so objekt 2016 PN66
zaenkrat uvrstile v skupino Damokleidov, ki imajo periodično kometno orbito, vendar ne kažejo znakov kometne aktivnosti,
ker so izgubili hlapno snov.
Report on Perseid activity observed from Črni Vrh Observatory, during the nights of maximum activity in August 2016.
Several fireballs and many meteors were recorded with newly set up Canon EOS 20D color All Sky Camera, comprising
Peleng 3.5/8 mm fisheye lens. The camera lens was stopped to f/4 to give sharper images on standard 30 second exposures.
Because the EOS camera is taking images at 2 minute intervals, the omitted observing time was covered with
Canon EOS 6D + 8mm fisheye lens and with b/w CCD All Sky Camera that we use since 2004. Occasional cloud passages
slightly affected observations.
Oblaki mammatus - redek tip nevihtnih oblakov nad observatorijem Črni Vrh (5. avgust 2016)
Ob prehodu nevihtne fronte 5. avgusta 2016 v večernih urah, so se za kratek čas nad observatorijem pojavili oblaki
Gre za redek tip oblakov v obliki navzdol obrnjenih izboklin, ki se pojavijo ob prehodih hladne fronte v pogrezajočem se zraku.
Razvijejo se na spodnjem delu frontalne površine in imajo lahko zelo nenavaden izgled, posebno če so osvetljeni od Sonca.
Kljub zloveščemu izgledu ne napovedujejo nastanek tornada, kot
se pogosto domneva. Pravzaprav se običajno pojavijo, ko je najintenzivnejše dogajanje v fronti že mimo.
Dvigajoči tokovi nosijo s padavinami obogaten zrak proti vrhu oblaka, kjer se dviganje ustavi. Zrak se začne razlivati v
horizontalni smeri in postane del frontalnega oblaka. Ker je v njem visoka koncentracija padavinskih delcev (ledeni kristali
in vodne kapljice), je nasičen zrak težji od okoliškega, zato se začne spuščati nazaj proti tlom.
Oblaki mammatus trajajo dlje časa, če vsebuje pogrezajoči zrak velike kapljice vode in ledenih kristalov. Slednje porabijo za
izhlapevanje več energije in razpad oblaka lahko traja dlje časa. V konkretnem primeru je pojav trajal približno 20 minut.
Discovery of supernova PSN J12080010+1944267 (December 28, 2015)
Supernova PSN J12080010+1944267 was discovered by B. Mikuž on 2015 Dec. 28.091-28.118UT and reported
in TOCP.
It was confirmed on 2015 Dec. 29.092UT by S. Matičič using the same telescope.
Spectroscopic observations were conducted on 2015 Dec. 31 by PESSTO, the Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects,
using ESO New Technology Telescope at La Silla, EFOSC2 and Grism 13 (3985-9315A, 18A resolution).
The spectrum is consistent with a type-II supernova around maximum light.
Details are published in ATel 8498.
Discovery of a NEO Asteroid 2015 YA1 (December 16, 2015)
NEO asteroid 2015 YA1 was discovered on 2015 Dec. 16.95 - 16.97UT by S. Matičič on images taken in the scope of Comet and Asteroid
Search Program PIKA
at Črni Vrh Observatory. At the time of discovery, the object already moved away from Earth and fading rapidly. Anyway, follow-up observations
on Dec. 17.90 and 19.0UT at 106 were successful and together with other observers secured enough astrometry for precise determination of orbit.
Discovery was announced in
MPEC 2015-Y39.
According to orbital elements, the object
belongs to the Apollo family of asteroids.
Discovery of supernova SN 2015bg = PSN J02473451+3454336 (December 16, 2015)
Supernova 2015bg was discovered by S. Matičič on 2015 Dec. 16.805 UT and reported
in TOCP.
It was confirmed on 2015 Dec. 17.77UT by G. Masi (Virtual Telescope Project).
Spectroscopic observations were conducted on Dec. 17.6 UT with the 2.16-m telescope (+ OMR) at the
Xinglong Observatory of the National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC). The spectrum is consistent with a type-Ia
supernova around maximum light.
Details are published in ATel 8432 and
CBET 4226.
Discovery of supernovae PSN J00545681+1048036 and PSN J07051005+2102327 (November 5 and 12, 2015)
PSN J00545681+1048036 was discovered by J. Vales on 2015 November 05.83 UT and reported
in TOCP.
It was confirmed on 2015 Nov. 7.77239UT by G. Masi (Virtual Telescope Project).
Spectroscopic observations of PSN J00545681+1048036 were conducted on 2015 Nov. 8.95 UT by
Asiago Transient Classification Program, using Asiago 1.82 m Copernico Telescope (+AFOSC; range 340-820 nm; resolution 1.4 nm).
Classification of SN spectra indicates it is a type Ia supernova few days before B-band maximum light.
Details are published in ATel 8259
PSN J07051005+2102327 was discovered by S. Maticic on 2015 Nov. 12.092 UT
and reported in
Spectroscopic observations of PSN J07051005+2102327 were conducted on 2015 Nov. 17.46 UT with the Shane 3-m reflector
(+ Kast spectrograph, range 350-1050 nm) at Lick Observatory. Classification of SN spectra indicates it is a normal Type Ia
supernova within a few days of maximum brightness.
Details are published in ATel 8295
2015 TB145
was discovered on 2015 Oct. 10 by Pan-STARRS1 telescope on Mt. Haleakala, operated by the Institute for Astronomy at the University
of Hawaii. It passed 1.27 lunar distances from Earth on 31. October 2015 at 17:01 UTC. Since the closest approach to Earth was
best visible from the far east locations, we observed this object a day before, on Oct. 30/31, with 60-cm Cichocki telescope
at Črni Vrh Observatory.
Discovery of a horseshoe type NEO asteroid 2015 SO2 (Sep. 21, 2015, updated Oct. 22, 2015)
In the early morning hours of 21. September 2015, a fast moving object has been detected on images taken by
B. Mikuz with 60-cm Cichocki telescope. After posting the measurements on NEOCP, the object has been confirmed
as NEO by observers from Japan, Czech Republic, Spain, Russia and USA.
Astrometric measurements revealed an interesting orbit with a semimajor axis distance similar to that of the Earth,
slightly larger eccentricity (e=0.11) and inclination of about 9.2°. The semimajor axis is very close to a=1AU
and the asteroid 2015 SO2 was initially classified as Apollo type NEO (a>1AU). However, the latest measurements
obtained during the last approach showed that it became the Aten type (i.e. a<1AU). Furthermore, the asteroid
2015 SO2 has nearly the same orbital period than the Earth, i.e. 365.7 days. It became evident that the asteroid
2015 SO2 is an Earths co-orbital asteroid, i.e. in a 1:1 mean-motion resonance with the Earth. Consequently,
the path of the asteroid appears to have a horseshoe shape in a rotating reference frame, which is circulating
aroud the Sun with the angular velocity of the Earth.
NEO asteroid 2015 SO2
Position and orbits of Earth and NEO asteroid 2015 SO2 at the time of discovery on 2015 Sep. 21.
NEO asteroid 2015 SO2
Motion of planets and asteroid 2015 SO2 in the system that is rotating around the Sun with orbital velocity of Earth.
Simulations have shown, that approximately every 1500 years the asteroid 2015 SO2 becomes a natural satellite
of the Earth, remaining in this orbit for 100-200 years and then returning back to its horseshoe orbit again.
This "Sky Dance" of the Earth and asteroid 2015 SO2 is recurring and may last for several 10.000 years. Asteroid
2015 SO2 will remain in the Earth neighborhood for at least 100.000 years. After that, it will most probably lose
connection with the Earth due to perturbations of other planets and will choose its own way around the Sun.
Discovery of a Outer Main-belt Asteroid 2015 PT (Aug. 10, 2015)
Unusual asteroid 2015 PT was discovered on images taken
by J. Vales on 2015 Aug. 6.90 - 6.94UT, in the scope of Comet and Asteroid Search Program PIKA
at Črni Vrh Observatory. Discovery was announced in
MPEC 2015-P20
According to orbital elements (3.2 AU < a < 4.6 AU), the object
was classified as Outer Main-belt Asteroid.
Discovery of supernovae PSN J17520838+1314252 and PSN J16303221+0913530 (August 8, 2015)
PSN J17520838+1314252 was discovered by S. Maticic from Crni Vrh Observatory on 2015 July 06.976 UT and reported
on TOCP.
It was confirmed on 2015 July 7.88688UT by G. Masi and P. Catalano (Virtual Telescope Project).
Another follow-up observation was made by J. Zakrajsek (Crni Vrh Observatory) on 2015 July 7.9028 UT.
Spectroscopic observations of PSN J17520838+1314252 were conducted on 2015 July 10T22:21:26 UT. A spectrum was
obtained in the visible, 400-800nm, with resolution R~350, using the SPRAT spectrograph on the Liverpool
Telescope located at Roque de los Muchachos on La Palma. Classification of SN spectra indicates it is a type
Ia supernova with close match with SN2007bd at -1 day before maximum.
Details are published in ATel 7794
PSN J16303221+0913530 was discovered by B. Dintinjana from Crni Vrh Observatory on 2015 Aug. 5.85 UT
and reported on
Spectroscopic observations of PSN J16303221+0913530 were conducted on 2015 Aug 07T21:08:52 UT. A spectrum was
obtained in the visible, 400-800nm, with resolution R~350, using the SPRAT spectrograph on the Liverpool Telescope
located at Roque de los Muchachos on La Palma. Classification of SN spectra indicates it is a type Ia supernova
with close match with SN1999ee at maximum.
Details are published in ATel 7893
Discovery of supernova PSN J13332289+5843315 (April 1, 2015)
Apparent supernova was discovered by S. Maticic (mag. 17.1) on four R filter CCD images, taken on 2015 Apr. 1.925 - 1.956UT with
the 60-cm f/3.3 Cichocki reflector in the course of the Comet and Asteroid Search Program (PIKA).
The object is at R.A. = 13h33m22s.89, Decl. = +58d43'31".5 (equinox J2000), which is 27" W and 11" N from the center of the
apparent host galaxy, catalogued as NPM1G +58.0138. Nothing is visible at this position on several Digitized Sky Survey red and blue
images from the Palomar Sky Survey. The object received designation PSN J13332289+5843315 after being posted on IAU TOCP page.
The transient was observed on 2015 Apr. 2.8612UT by G. Masi and P. Catalano, remotely using the 17"-f/6.8 robotic unit part
of the Virtual Telescope Project facility, at Bellatrix Astronomical Observatory in Ceccano, Italy. A 180-seconds unfiltered
exposure show the source at mag. 16.9. Th eobject was also confirmed on 2015 Apr. 2.9043UT by Massimiliano Martignoni -
Observatory: Stazione Astronomica Betelgeuse (B75) in Magnago, Italy with 0.25-m, f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope.
The supernova was confirmed in
Astronomer's Telegram 7403 by
A. Piascik, I. A. Steele and D. Kopač (Liverpool John Moores University) and A. Gomboc (University of Ljubljana).
They used a 2-m Liverpool Telescope (+ SPRAT spectroscope) on La Palma and on 2015 Apr. 16 (1:24UT) obtained
a low resolution spectrum in visible 400-800nm wavelength. Classification using SNID
indicates that it is a normal type Ia supernova with a close match to the spectrum of SN2004er. Age was estimated at +19
days post maximum.
Further CCD photometry of PSN J13332289+5843315 by J. Japelj (University of Ljubljana), using data from the
Liverpool Telescope, obtained in Sloan g,r,i,z photometric system.
Discovery of a NEO Asteroid 2015 EC7 (Mar. 13, 2015)
On 2015 Mar. 13.88 - 13.92UT, NEO asteroid 2015 EC7 was discovered on images taken
by H. Mikuz in the scope of Comet and Asteroid Search Program PIKA
at Črni Vrh Observatory. The first follow-up observations were collected on the evening of Mar. 14 in rather
difficult weather conditions, through the gap in clouds by Jure Skvarč at Črni Vrh Observatory.
After posting on Minor Planet Center NEO Confirmation Page, additional follow-up observations were collected from observers
worldwide. Discovery was announced in
MPEC 2015-F05
According to orbital elements, the object
belongs to the Apollo family of asteroids.
Fly-by of asteroid WEBF312 = 2015 EO6 (March 11-12, 2015)
On the night between the 11th and 12th of March 2015 a small asteroid has flown past the Earth at the distance of only
100000 kilometres. It was discovered by Mt. Lemmon Survey on 2015 Mar. 11.40476UT. In only few hours it has accelerated
and brightened significantly, just to get into obscurity, possibly for ever.
The asteroid was tracked from the Črni Vrh Observatory in Slovenia over the time interval 20h10-1h32UT,
using a 60-cm f/3.3 Cichocki reflector and CCD camera.
The video contains synchronised images from the all-sky camera (left) and the asteroid. There are two telescopes in
all-sky camera images - the one in the front is minding own business while the one to the right is the 60-cm telescope.
Asteroid 2015 EO6 was about 5-meter diameter rock, presumably belonging to Apollo family of NEOs. Observations and orbital elements
are published in MPEC 2015-E54