The main purpose of the electronics is to accept commands from the main computer and to control the servo motors. It consists of several units. The power stages of
the servos are two Epsilon Eb Digital Servo Drives from Emerson Motion Control. The main feature from the constructor point of view is that they are controlled in
the same way as simple stepping motor controllers - by a direction signal and a step pulse. So the rest of electronics does not need to worry about details of servos
and can be used for steppers without any change. The main processing unit is built around the Rabbit 2000 microcontroller, which has a command set based on the old Z80
processor. The program for it written in the Dynamic C language which is an extension of C which allows execution of seemingly parallel programs. Rabbit processor is
the one which communicates with the main computer using either RS-232 or RS-485 interface. On a separate board, on which the main unit is piggy-backed, there are further
three Atmel AT90S2313 microcontrollers which are used as intelligent precision pulse givers - one for the sidereal clock and the other two for the right ascension and
declination axis. There is another board using AT90S2313 which only takes care of switching the telescope electronics on and off through a solid state relay. The telescope
can be switched on and off either using push buttons on the front panel or remotely by computer. This board also has input for the Dallas DS18S20 temperature sensor to control
the possible overheating of the electronics. Finally, there is a power supply for 5 V and 24 V.
In a separate box close to the telescope there are another two Atmel microcontrollers which are responsible for the filter wheel, the focuser motor, the mirror flaps and for
the mirror ventilator. They communicate directly with the main computer using the RS-485 interface.
All in all, there are 7 microcontrollers in the system, which control all together 6 motors and keep track of their state so that the control program running on the main computer actually
does not need to keep track of any current parameters of the system.