Velika konjunkcija Jupitra in Saturna (21. december 2020)
Ker sta zadnja leta tako Jupiter, kot Saturn globoko na južnih deklinacijah so bili najboljši pogoji za opazovanje velike konjunkcije iz bolj južnih lokacij bližje
ekvatorju. Član opazovalne skupine AO Črni Vrh Jure Skvarč, je uspešno opazoval konjunkcijo iz observatorija
Roque de Los Muchachos na kanarskem otoku La Palma,
kjer so bili vremenski pogoji idealni (nadmorska višina 2400m in planeta skoraj 20 stopinj višje na nebu v primerjavi s Slovenijo).
Zaradi oblačnega vremena največjega zbližanja obeh planetov 21. decembra 2020 (najmanjša razdalja 6') iz Slovenije ni bilo mogoče opazovati. Smo pa
dogodek opazovali nekaj dni prej, ko sta bila planeta na medsebojni razdalji med 20 in 30'. Torej na razdalji premera polne Lune.
Dne 17., 18. in 19. decembra 2020 je bilo v Zgornjesavski dolini jasno. S sodelavcema Janezom Kosom in Klemnom Čotarjem s Fakultete za matematiko in fiziko
smo si našli primerno opazovalno mesto nad vasjo Podkoren, ob cesti proti mejnemu prehodu Korensko sedlo.
Za opazovanje konjunkcije smo poleg širokokotnih objektivov uporabili 25-cm, f/5 in 20-cm, f/5 Newton teleskopa, ter 28-cm, f/10
teleskop Schmidt-Cassegrain.
As of early May 2020, Space X has launched 422
Starlink satellites in low Earth orbit.
In total, nearly 12.000 satellites are planned to be deployed, with a possible later extension to 42.000. This objects are
very bright, of magnitude about +1, paticularly after the launch, producing also bright flares as documented in the images below.
Astronomers are very much concerned, because such satellite constellations will have tremendous impact on astronomical observations.
Considerable amount of astronomical images will be detoriorated due to bright satellite trails, particularly in hours after the
sunset and before dawn.
The imaged train of Starlink satellites belong to Mission 5, launched one month ago, on March 18, 2020. Still very bright, the
satellites slowly drifted from south to north during the flyby, detoriorating a large part of the night sky. Most astronomical
observations within the satellite corridor have been spoiled and more or less useless for serious analysis.
Planet Mercury transited the Sun on the 11th of November 2019. It was visible for several hours in most of the world, including North and
South America, Africa, and Europe. The transit was observed from the
Roque de Los Muchachos
mountain on the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands, Spain, where there are many professional observatories.
The observations were made with a 150 mm Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope, solar filter and a Canon 6D digital camera. As it is difficult to align the
telescope properly during the day, manual corrections were made every 5 minutes to compensate for the image drift.
The images were later aligned using an automatic procedure. The observations were stopped before the end of the transit
due to the flat battery from which the telescope was powered.
Fireball (about magnitude -12) was recorded at Črni Vrh Observatory on 2019 Mar. 31 morning. The analysis of the fireball trail shows that the body exploded
and fragmented upon the entry into the atmosphere. The greenish glitter of the main explosion is beautifully seen, as well as several flashes at the end
of a trail, indicating explosions of smaller remains of the parent body.
Discovery of supernova SN 2018kzc (December 27, 2018)
Supernova SN 2018kzc was discovered by S. Matičič on 2018 Dec. 27.961 UT on
four images taken with 60-cm, f/3.3 Cichocki telescope and reported on the
Transient Name Server.
Spectroscopic observations were performed with the Asiago 1.82 m Copernico Telescope equipped with AFOSC
(range 340-820 nm; resolution 1.4 nm) on 2018 Dec. 28.87 UT.
The spectrum is consistent with a type-Ia supernova about 6 days before B maximum light, assuming a redshift z=0.0378.
Details are published in TNS SN 2018kzc
and ATel 12337.
Spektri zvezd z objektivno mrežico (11. december 2018)
Z mrežico pred objektivom (~200črt/mm) sem 11. decembra 2018 posnel nekaj polj s svetlimi zvezdami in tudi komet 46P/Wirtanen, ki je bil takrat v polju.
Spektri so v smeri rektascenzije, polje na dolgi stranici je veliko okoli 30°.
Polje z zvezdami na sliki (0-ti red) je zahodno od Oriona, komet je skrajno desno na sredini. Spektri na levi strani slike (1. red)
pripadajo svetlim zvezdam Oriona z Betelgezo levo zgoraj in Riglom desno spodaj. Vmes so 3 zvezde v pasu. Same zvezde Oriona se nahajajo
levo izven polja. V spektrih zvezd se lepo vidijo absorpcijske črte. Posebej zanimiv je spekter meglice M42 pod tremi zvezdami v pasu,
v katerem se lepo vidijo 3 zelene emisijske črte (verjetno kisik) in skrajno desno še izrazita črta H-alfa.
Komet 46P/Wirtanen v sredini desno je bil posnet na naslenji sliki, vendar spektra ni videti, ker je jedro preveč razmazano in tudi sicer
objekt prešibek.
Bright fireball (about magnitude -10) was recorded at Črni Vrh Observatory on 2018 Aug. 28, just before dawn,
moving nearly 40 degrees accross the sky. The sky was lit also by 97% illuminated Moon.